I decided to renew the domain of my blog because I still get requests from friends who want to share it with people they care about who are going through the same thing or something similar. That speaks volumes to me about the importance of what I have documented, if for nothing else, to help people know they are not alone.
It has been just over 3 years since I had my son and almost 5 since I began this crazy journey that I never knew was in my destiny. A is a vivacious, highly intelligent, hilarious, stubborn, independent, snuggly, loving 3 year old now!! I love him more every single day, which is just astounding. I look at him and say "how are you soooo cute?!" haha! My family is the greatest gift and so amazing. My mom and dad are his watchers and nurturers when I have to work and when he is not in daycare. He loves his Mimi and PawPaw something fierce. My extended family is all close by and it is wonderful seeing him hug his cousins (and fight with them! lol) and have his family near. He is loved so much and is growing up in a world of wonder.
The absolute silver lining of the pandemic was all of the time we got together. Time that I would NEVER have had with him because of working and being a single parent. It was magical and I will treasure it all of my days.. When I began back to work it was a slow transition so he did ok- I think it was harder on me! Tonight we had a mommy-son date and went to dinner and looked at Christmas lights. These are all moments that I treasure and hopefully his love of holidays will continue as he gets older.
I will write more soon, but wanted to say hello and that the blog is back up. If you or someone you know has any questions at all, contact me :) I am an open book!! Speaking of books, I made one for him for nighttime so he knows his story from an early age. My particular situation didn't exist in books for kids, so I made one! I'll share that in another post.
PS- I'm growing out my incoming white hair and so while I do this I am having fun with Pink and lilac! Semi permanent hair color is the BEST!
Stay well and Happy Holidays!